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Empowering the Technology Field to Fly to a Whole New Height

Simon Y. | Managing Director of Dell Technologies Taiwan R&D Center

Originally Published: May 12, 2022

Q: What is your link with the technology industry?

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management, I spent three years in taxation and software sales before moving to the Netherlands to pursue my MBA in search of more career possibilities. After that, I was introduced by my classmates to start my journey in the technology industry, and I also formed a close relationship with Dell Technologies.


Q: How do you deal with the challenges and tear off the "freshman" label?

A: For me, entering a technology company is just the first step. Open your mind, be curious and keep learning, and turn yourself into an industry expert to get long-term development. In addition, being brave enough to speak up can help us handle challenges with ease. "The answer grows on your mouth", ask and you will have the answer.

Learning and striving for excellence

Practice makes true knowledge. To understand the process and collaboration mode of supply chain production, I often went to the factory to observe and learn. Going deep into the front line and traveling to different workstations has given me a deeper understanding of the business model, delivery standards, and individual customer needs, as well as a sharper insight into market changes and industry trends.

The warmth lasts forever

Another major way to help me grow fast is to be taught by professionals. Once, when collaborating with an engineer, he taught me how to read the roadmap while I helped him build the pump table. Our sincere collaboration has greatly improved our work efficiency, and this team spirit of sharing and sharing our strengths has kept me warm. Learning methods are not limited to the above. In the technology industry, I encounter new challenges every day, so I need to constantly explore the best way to learn and ensure efficient input.


Q: Why choose Dell Technologies?

A: Life is a butterfly effect

When I look back, I agree with the idea that every step in the present is a key to changing the future. I got my start in the technology industry because of my study abroad experience in the Netherlands. In my second job in the technology industry, I was impressed by the rigorous and high standards of Dell Technologies and was drawn to join and grow with it.

An immediate fit with values of Dell

My continued growth at Dell Technologies is closely related to the company's values: Customer First, Honesty and Integrity, Embrace Innovation, Responsibility, and Collaboration, which are deeply embedded in the DNA of Dell employees. Dell Technologies is my ideal workplace!

Personal Branding

What you do at work is seen by your line manager, colleagues, and customers. By completing work tasks with high quality, continuing to improve, and being helpful, developing these self-disciplined habits can help you build your personal brand, achieve your personal value, and improve your competitiveness in the workplace. This is another great workplace philosophy that Dell Technologies has taught me.


Q: How do you grow into an outstanding leader?

A: Work together to achieve each other

I always believe that the most ambitious team goals can only be achieved by maximizing the potential of everyone. Focusing on everyone’s attributes and growth is always the key to helping the team continue to move forward.

Set a strong sense of purpose

Dell Technologies has an international work environment and setting team goals is paramount to managing a multinational team well. By coalescing under a common goal, the qualities of different people and the strengths of different regions will be combined, and amazing results will be obtained. Being immersed in such an environment can also be beneficial to growth by exercising different modes of thinking.


Q: How does Dell Technologies help people grow?

A: Create a diverse stage

Talents from any discipline background can show their strengths here. There are abundant opportunities in operations management, technology development, business marketing, legal affairs, human resources, customer service, and so on. For example, legal professionals can join the legal team to help engineers realize the value of patents and truly apply their knowledge.

Mentor is always with us

My fun of worshiping mentor and Dell Technologies Mentor mechanism hit it off immediately. Buddy is also a great help in solving onboarding problems and life problems, as well as getting together to discuss growth and thinking.

Abundant resources and unlimited growth

In addition to growth through work experience, internal platform courses, external skills, leadership training, and other resources can help us to strengthen our power.

Flexible Office Mode

Dell Technologies has launched a flexible office mode of "office + home" under the COVID-19, which not only allows the team to collaborate efficiently but also allows us to spend more time with our families, achieving a balance between work and life.


Q: Can you share a useful message to the workforce?

A: User Thinking

Understand the problems your team and customers want to solve and use the strength of your skills to help them meet the challenges.

Tracing the root of the problem

The operation system of large companies is very complex, so grasping the source of things can help you solve problems and serve customers better.

Innovate more than that

Keep sharp to business and keep connection with customers and market through innovative thinking.

Efficient Communication

Learn to listen and restate others' views, respect multiple ideas, and use a positive mindset to improve communication skills and output ideas.

Independent Thinking

Whether you are a novice village boy or a senior workplace person, you should learn to think independently and embrace change to adapt to the ever-changing environment.

Learn more about a career with Dell Technologies here.

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