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Fostering Innovation through Diversity: Insights from Bethany Mason, DEI Advocate at Dell

 Bethany M. | Senior Consultant, Employer Brand | Texas, United States

Originally Published: October 13th, 2023

Bethany Mason, Senior Consultant of Global Employer Brand Strategy at Dell Technologies, is committed to creating equal opportunities for all. She has over 15 years of experience developing DEI programs, employer branding, and global marketing campaigns. She has previously worked as the Director of Employment Branding & Inclusion and the Director of Diversity & Inclusion for Dollar General and the Diversity and Inclusion Strategies Manager for Macy’s. She has been recognized by Black Enterprise as a Top Corporate Diversity Executive, by the Nashville LGBT Chamber as the 2018 Megan Barry Ally Award Winner, and by Dell as a Renegade and Breakthrough Champion. 


"Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is not only a professional passion but also a personal passion. Creating a safe space to ask questions goes back to the core of who I am. As a leader, team member, friend, and family member, it’s top of mind every day.” 

Tell me about yourself and your background.

When I was 7 months old, my family and I moved to Mexico City. My upbringing in a different country gave me opportunities that still impact me today, including being bilingual, multinational, and having exposure to different cultures and people. This experience opened my eyes early on to why diversity is important and the importance it plays not only day-to-day but also from a corporate perspective. 

What makes you unique?

My empathetic nature has always been one of my most distinctive qualities. I always strive to bring people together and find a common goal or outcome that benefits everyone. I attribute this to the way I was raised and the impact that living in a foreign country throughout my formative years had on me. My experience growing up in Mexico City opened my eyes to a diverse array of people with different races, genders, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses, which helped me develop my empathetic nature and drive to help others. 

What inspired your involvement with DEI work?

Actually, DEI work truly found me. I had planned on pursuing my master’s degree, so I moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, to explore opportunities to continue my education there. While in Cincinnati, Macy’s Corporate found my resume online. Joining Macy’s was my first true exposure to DEI work. Back then, 15+ years ago, many companies were not yet focusing heavily on DEI efforts; however, Macy's was making strides in the area with an entire department devoted to diversity strategies and ERGs. I was fortunate to get a contractor position and build my DEI acumen throughout my 6-year journey there. 

Dollar General then hired me to run their DEI program. This was a huge move from Cincinnati to Nashville, and it was definitely worth it! I’m proud to say, I helped bring awareness to community partners, elevated the company ERGs, and increased brand recognition within diverse audiences. I was appreciative of this role; I had opportunities for exposure, growth, and challenges, all of which helped me get to where I am today at Dell. 

Now at Dell, I do not formally run DEI. However, I am an ally and an active participant in ERGs. From an Employer Brand perspective, I make sure that we not only promote diversity of thought, but also facilitate important conversations about what our team members value in terms of diversity. This helps potential candidates to envision themselves as part of the work we do and Dell as a place to start or grow your career.

Tell us about some of the DEI projects you’ve worked on throughout your career.

Throughout my career, a few of the projects I am most proud of include: 

1) Dell: Launched the first Dell DEI report in October 2019. I am incredibly proud of not only being able to produce the report but also all the learnings I jumped into as part of this report, especially considering I started the role only six months prior. 

2) Dollar General: I secured transgender benefits as part of the benefits package offered to team members. By doing so, Dollar General was awarded as one of the top places for LGBTQ inclusion as part of the Human Rights Campaign. I am fortunate to have known some of the team members who took advantage of these benefits and shared with me their experiences about how they could truly be their authentic selves at work. 

3) Macy’s: I launched our Pride ERG at our Cincinnati HQ and I worked hard to establish LGBTQ benefits company-wide. I collaborated with various Macy's diverse partners, including The Trevor Project, HRC, LULAC, Black Enterprise and the Urban League (to name a few). I learned so much from each of these organizations and saw firsthand the benefits our team members got from these partnerships, all while impacting the communities where we lived and worked.

Why is DEI essential for cultivating a culture of innovation?

Diversity drives innovation by bringing together individuals with different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. 

  • A variety of viewpoints encourages creative thinking, problem-solving, and unique ideas. 
  • When people from diverse backgrounds collaborate, they can identify new opportunities, and create innovative solutions.
  • This leads to a broader range of ideas, increased adaptability, and ultimately greater potential for breakthrough innovations! 

1) Talent attraction: Innovative companies are often seen as more appealing to a wide range of individuals, including those from diverse backgrounds, leading to a more inclusive workforce. Innovation requires fresh viewpoints, which are often brought by a diverse group. Different cultural, social, and experiential backgrounds lead to more comprehensive problem-solving. 

2) Reduces bias and encourages employee engagement: Innovation encourages open-mindedness, helping to break down biases and stereotypes that can hinder diversity and inclusion. This also leads to higher employee engagement because an inclusive environment fosters employee engagement and a sense of belonging, leading to increased motivation and willingness to contribute new ideas. 

3) Growth: Diversity and inclusion are essential for long-term success, enabling companies to adapt, evolve, and thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape. 

What are the best practices or key lessons you’ve learned throughout your journey?

  • Always be willing to learn and evolve, especially when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is an ever-evolving topic and thought process, so being adaptable is key. 
  • Create safe places where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts. It's in these safe spaces where we can learn from one another, grow, and be open-minded.  
  • Be ready to continue to learn and push yourself to think outside the box. 

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