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Empowering Women to Thrive as Professional and Mom at Dell Technologies

Jinshi L. | Systems Engineer | Japan

Originally Published: December 14th, 2023

Jinshi embarked on her journey with Dell Technologies (formerly EMC) in 2016. At that time, the tech world was buzzing with Big Data, where data found its home in storage products. Jinshi recognized the immense business potential within storage solutions and ventured into her career as an Enterprise Account Systems engineer. 

Is storage a niche? 

The world of technology may evolve relentlessly, but hardware remains a constant - an indispensable cornerstone of innovation. 

Early in her career, Jinshi's mentor imparted a valuable lesson: think beyond selling products and meet customer demands proactively. As a Systems Engineer at Dell, the key is to envision the future and anticipate clients' evolving needs. What new businesses can address current challenges? What untapped opportunities lie within data? With Dell's extensive portfolio, Jinshi had the advantage of providing a wide range of solutions to her customers. Though implementing storage solutions might take time, often up to a year, Jinshi remained steadfast in her pursuit of opportunities. 

Responsible for a select group of customers, Jinshi built relationships, engaged with CxO leaders and sought the best IT solutions. In her view, the role of a Systems Engineer is akin to being a consultant.

A Flexible Career Tailored to Life 

In 2018, Jinshi transitioned to an Inside Systems Engineer role. Her ability to manage her professional responsibilities while handling personal life, including two maternity leaves, made it a seamless transition. Despite the role often being considered more suitable for junior professionals, Jinshi proved that it offered unparalleled flexibility, enabling her to excel both as a mother and a professional.

This position introduced her to a different approach to customers. As an Inside Systems Engineer representing over 100 customers, speed became paramount. The primary goal was delivering solutions swiftly and efficiently, leading to a broader knowledge base beyond storage and the capacity to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Facing system errors also strengthened her in addressing and resolving challenges with integrity. The role provided Jinshi with room to explore and add value from an Inside Systems Engineer's perspective. Continually placing herself in her customers' shoes allowed her to identify their obstacles and aspirations, which lead to new business for Dell.

Role Models and Leading the Way 

Jinshi's journey was influenced by role models she encountered in the NextGen Pre-Sales Academy, her current department. Inspired to nurture young talent, she leads the Future Women of Sales project in Japan, planning events with local leaders and gaining insights from APJ leaders in Singapore. As a working mother, she found encouragement from other leaders, proving that she could shape her career as she desired. She admires their advice and stories, realizing that authenticity is her strength.

Jinshi firmly believes that Dell empowers women to excel authentically, and her journey as a trailblazing female in the tech industry continues, with the unwavering goal of building a brighter future for women in tech. 

To learn more about life at Dell, visit Our Stories.

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