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Julia Nunes - Finance Controller at Dell Technologies Brazil 

Julia headshot.

Julia N. | Senior Advisor, Financial Analysis | Sao Paulo, Brazil

Originally Published: March 2, 2023

Do you want to know the career growth opportunities Dell Technologies offers you? Julia Nunes, a Senior Advisor in Financial Analysis, started her career at Dell Technologies Brazil nine years ago. During those years, she was an intern before being hired as a full-time employee, participated in our Financial Development Program, took classes in the United States, and did a rotation in Ireland! Julia shares her experience with Dell Technologies so far:

What motivated you to grow your career at Dell Technologies?

I have been at Dell for nine years, and what motivates me to continue my career in the company are two main reasons. The first one is that every morning when I wake up, I have my mind at peace because I'm at an ethical company, and I know we are bettering our community every day. The second is the company's values: there is a vast culture of developing talents and investing in diversity and inclusion, and it feels great to be part of it. 

How did you start your career with Dell Technologies, and how did you get involved with the Finance Development Program?

I started at Dell when I was 18 years old, during an internship program. After the internship, I had the opportunity to be hired as a full-time employee. Four years after becoming a full-time employee, I was approved to participate in the Financial Development Program. For two of those years, I took classes and moved around different areas, such as Tax and Accounting, to gain a broader perspective on finance. I had the opportunity to take classes in the United States, which was great for growing my network in the company and knowing people from different countries. I even had a rotation in Ireland. Following this program, I was hired as a Finance Controller, where I can have a financial impact on the business.

Julia holding laptop.

Julia in a meeting.

Please share a little bit about your role as a Finance Controller at Dell and what that entails.

My favorite part of being a Financial Controller is interacting with different areas within Dell Technologies. In addition to networking, I connect with different teams to exchange knowledge, learn, and share my expertise. I support the sales team to ensure they can execute their responsibilities effectively. I love the ability to influence and impact the business. It's exciting to analyze and recommend what is financially sustainable for the company. Also, I'm able to contribute to society by working at Dell Technologies with our moonshot goals and outside activities I can participate in.

Are you a part of any Employee Resource Groups or other programs that support your sense of contributing to society?

I'm one of the leaders of Planet ERG, so it is 100% aligned with the sustainability moonshot goals Dell Technologies has for 2030. We bring sustainability matters to the employees internally at Dell, and we get outside speakers to support the aim of reducing plastic and helping our environment. Also, I'm part of the Global D&I community in my organization, where we make sure we have the right actions in place to promote a diverse and inclusive environment. 

Julia at Community service activity in Ireland.

Dell Technologies allows you to have the freedom to choose where you work; what are some of the advantages that you've gained with this change?

Julia in front of the Dell office.

Working from home has allowed me to invest in my own interests. In the past, I used to commute to the office, which took a lot of time. Now I have more time for myself to establish a routine of going to the gym, taking my dog for a walk, and having a more relaxed morning. A good example is that recently my mom came to visit me, and I spent time with her while working from home. If Dell Technologies wasn’t so flexible, my time with her would be limited. We were able to have meals together and spend quality time together while still being successful at work. 

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